Gdansk without plastic
The “Gdansk without plastic” campaign aims to support a pro-ecological attitude and public awareness on environmental protection by reducing the use of plastic in everyday life. It also encourages proper waste separation, which is particularly important as the city is located on the coast, and its pollution is largely caused by plastic.
The main message of the campaign is ten simple rules of conduct, which were promoted through different public displays. The implementation has started but some activities were postponed because of the Covid-19 pandemic. The outcome of the campaign therefore remains to be assessed, but many other cities are expected to replicate this kind of initiative, albeit with different levels of ambition.
As part of the campaign, various types of activities were planned to promote the assumptions and ecological activities of the campaign, such as art competitions for pupils, pilot projects for families who want to change their habits and stop using plastic, competitions in social media, and picnics for local residents.