Plastic Peuken
Plastic Peuken Collectief (The Plastic Cigarette Butt Collective) is an alliance of dozens of NGOs, companies and hundreds of citizens, supported by an increasing number of policymakers. They aim to achieve a nationwide – or even international – ban on plastic cigarette butt filters through generating support in society, advocacy and communication.
As part of their campaign, they organise an annual cigarette butt cleanup: Plastic PeukMeuk. In 2021, thousands of people participated in 88 different locations around the country collecting over half a million butts in just 2.5 hours. With increasing local, regional and nationwide media attention, data collected and growing support in society, Plastic Peuken Collectief strengthen their lobbying position.
Plastic Peuken Collective aim to put pressure on the Dutch government to closely monitor the number of cigarette butts in the environment and to determine realistic clean-up costs per cigarette in order to incentivize producers to reduce cigarette butts in litter. The aim is to achieve a 70% reduction of cigarette butts in the environment by 2026 compared to 2022 and a motion passed in the House of Parliament requesting the government to investigate how this can be achieved.