Poland’s Boomerang Bags
Inspired by Australia’s Boomerang Bags and receiving their blessing and materials, Zero Waste Poland created its Polish equivalent, Torby Bumerangi (#Bumerangbags) to replace single-use plastic bags and help empower local communities all over Poland.
Boomerang Bags is about making reusable bags, diverting waste, starting conversations, bringing people together, fostering sustainable behaviour, and having fun. Local communities are given a toolkit that covers everything from bag patterns, engaging the community, promotional materials, and supporting tips and ideas based on the experience of existing communities. Boomerang Bags volunteers are also connected thanks to a dedicated global platform.
The idea is that a shopping bag should circulate like a boomerang and be available where we need it, i.e. in a shop, not in a kitchen drawer. Participating volunteers put their bags into circulation and reuse them.
Each of the workshops, lectures or meetings developed for the project result in an incentive to act and spread the word. Results so far show that many Boomerang points were doing very well before the pandemic started. The next step is to professionalise the campaign, by giving it structure and additional tools.