BEach CLEAN campaign
Legambiente, together with COMMON project partners in Tunisia and Lebanon, launched the BEach CLEAN campaign in 2020 to raise public awareness of marine litter on Mediterranean beaches and of the impact our daily actions have on the marine ecosystem. The campaign targets tourists and beach lidos in five Mediterranean areas in these three countries. It provides ten tips for reducing plastic litter and surveys visitors in order to gather key information on the state of Mediterranean beaches.
The BEach CLEAN campaign is a broader campaign about waste reduction and disposal, which also targets single-use plastic items, in particular cigarette butts, disposable plates and cutlery, straws, cotton buds and plastic bags.
Posters with the campaign’s ten golden rules were displayed in the most popular Italian, Lebanese and Tunisian tourist areas, where a massive influx of summer tourists sees a corresponding increase in the volumes of waste found on beaches.
In the visitor survey, the questions are broader, with some specific to single-use plastics and tourist facilities, e.g. “At the beach restaurants/cafes you usually go to, do you find disposable or reusable plates and cutlery?”.